
Added --output_format option (#333)

* Added --output option

--output option will help select the output files that will be generated.

Corrected the logic, which wrongly shows progress bar when verbose is set to False

* Changed output_files variable

* Changed back the tqdm verbose

* refactor output format handling

Co-authored-by: Jong Wook Kim <jongwook@openai.com>
Co-authored-by: Jong Wook Kim <jongwook@nyu.edu>
Aaryan YVS 2 年之前
共有 2 個文件被更改,包括 89 次插入57 次删除
  1. 6 15
  2. 83 42

+ 6 - 15

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import tqdm
 from .audio import SAMPLE_RATE, N_FRAMES, HOP_LENGTH, pad_or_trim, log_mel_spectrogram
 from .decoding import DecodingOptions, DecodingResult
 from .tokenizer import LANGUAGES, TO_LANGUAGE_CODE, get_tokenizer
-from .utils import exact_div, format_timestamp, optional_int, optional_float, str2bool, write_txt, write_vtt, write_srt
+from .utils import exact_div, format_timestamp, optional_int, optional_float, str2bool, get_writer
     from .model import Whisper
@@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ def cli():
     parser.add_argument("--model_dir", type=str, default=None, help="the path to save model files; uses ~/.cache/whisper by default")
     parser.add_argument("--device", default="cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu", help="device to use for PyTorch inference")
     parser.add_argument("--output_dir", "-o", type=str, default=".", help="directory to save the outputs")
+    parser.add_argument("--output_format", "-f", type=str, default="all", choices=["txt", "vtt", "srt", "json", "all"], help="format of the output file; if not specified, all available formats will be produced")
     parser.add_argument("--verbose", type=str2bool, default=True, help="whether to print out the progress and debug messages")
     parser.add_argument("--task", type=str, default="transcribe", choices=["transcribe", "translate"], help="whether to perform X->X speech recognition ('transcribe') or X->English translation ('translate')")
@@ -286,6 +287,7 @@ def cli():
     model_name: str = args.pop("model")
     model_dir: str = args.pop("model_dir")
     output_dir: str = args.pop("output_dir")
+    output_format: str = args.pop("output_format")
     device: str = args.pop("device")
     os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
@@ -308,22 +310,11 @@ def cli():
     from . import load_model
     model = load_model(model_name, device=device, download_root=model_dir)
+    writer = get_writer(output_format, output_dir)
     for audio_path in args.pop("audio"):
         result = transcribe(model, audio_path, temperature=temperature, **args)
-        audio_basename = os.path.basename(audio_path)
-        # save TXT
-        with open(os.path.join(output_dir, audio_basename + ".txt"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as txt:
-            write_txt(result["segments"], file=txt)
-        # save VTT
-        with open(os.path.join(output_dir, audio_basename + ".vtt"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as vtt:
-            write_vtt(result["segments"], file=vtt)
-        # save SRT
-        with open(os.path.join(output_dir, audio_basename + ".srt"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as srt:
-            write_srt(result["segments"], file=srt)
+        writer(result, audio_path)
 if __name__ == '__main__':

+ 83 - 42

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+import json
+import os
 import zlib
-from typing import Iterator, TextIO
+from typing import Callable, TextIO
 def exact_div(x, y):
@@ -45,44 +47,83 @@ def format_timestamp(seconds: float, always_include_hours: bool = False, decimal
     return f"{hours_marker}{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}{decimal_marker}{milliseconds:03d}"
-def write_txt(transcript: Iterator[dict], file: TextIO):
-    for segment in transcript:
-        print(segment['text'].strip(), file=file, flush=True)
-def write_vtt(transcript: Iterator[dict], file: TextIO):
-    print("WEBVTT\n", file=file)
-    for segment in transcript:
-        print(
-            f"{format_timestamp(segment['start'])} --> {format_timestamp(segment['end'])}\n"
-            f"{segment['text'].strip().replace('-->', '->')}\n",
-            file=file,
-            flush=True,
-        )
-def write_srt(transcript: Iterator[dict], file: TextIO):
-    """
-    Write a transcript to a file in SRT format.
-    Example usage:
-        from pathlib import Path
-        from whisper.utils import write_srt
-        result = transcribe(model, audio_path, temperature=temperature, **args)
-        # save SRT
-        audio_basename = Path(audio_path).stem
-        with open(Path(output_dir) / (audio_basename + ".srt"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as srt:
-            write_srt(result["segments"], file=srt)
-    """
-    for i, segment in enumerate(transcript, start=1):
-        # write srt lines
-        print(
-            f"{i}\n"
-            f"{format_timestamp(segment['start'], always_include_hours=True, decimal_marker=',')} --> "
-            f"{format_timestamp(segment['end'], always_include_hours=True, decimal_marker=',')}\n"
-            f"{segment['text'].strip().replace('-->', '->')}\n",
-            file=file,
-            flush=True,
-        )
+class ResultWriter:
+    extension: str
+    def __init__(self, output_dir: str):
+        self.output_dir = output_dir
+    def __call__(self, result: dict, audio_path: str):
+        audio_basename = os.path.basename(audio_path)
+        output_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, audio_basename + "." + self.extension)
+        with open(output_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+            self.write_result(result, file=f)
+    def write_result(self, result: dict, file: TextIO):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class WriteTXT(ResultWriter):
+    extension: str = "txt"
+    def write_result(self, result: dict, file: TextIO):
+        for segment in result["segments"]:
+            print(segment['text'].strip(), file=file, flush=True)
+class WriteVTT(ResultWriter):
+    extension: str = "vtt"
+    def write_result(self, result: dict, file: TextIO):
+        print("WEBVTT\n", file=file)
+        for segment in result["segments"]:
+            print(
+                f"{format_timestamp(segment['start'])} --> {format_timestamp(segment['end'])}\n"
+                f"{segment['text'].strip().replace('-->', '->')}\n",
+                file=file,
+                flush=True,
+            )
+class WriteSRT(ResultWriter):
+    extension: str = "srt"
+    def write_result(self, result: dict, file: TextIO):
+        for i, segment in enumerate(result["segments"], start=1):
+            # write srt lines
+            print(
+                f"{i}\n"
+                f"{format_timestamp(segment['start'], always_include_hours=True, decimal_marker=',')} --> "
+                f"{format_timestamp(segment['end'], always_include_hours=True, decimal_marker=',')}\n"
+                f"{segment['text'].strip().replace('-->', '->')}\n",
+                file=file,
+                flush=True,
+            )
+class WriteJSON(ResultWriter):
+    extension: str = "json"
+    def write_result(self, result: dict, file: TextIO):
+        json.dump(result, file)
+def get_writer(output_format: str, output_dir: str) -> Callable[[dict, TextIO], None]:
+    writers = {
+        "txt": WriteTXT,
+        "vtt": WriteVTT,
+        "srt": WriteSRT,
+        "json": WriteJSON,
+    }
+    if output_format == "all":
+        all_writers = [writer(output_dir) for writer in writers.values()]
+        def write_all(result: dict, file: TextIO):
+            for writer in all_writers:
+                writer(result, file)
+        return write_all
+    return writers[output_format](output_dir)