@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
import torch
+import tqdm
from .audio import SAMPLE_RATE, N_FRAMES, HOP_LENGTH, pad_or_trim, log_mel_spectrogram
from .decoding import DecodingOptions, DecodingResult
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ def transcribe(
segment = pad_or_trim(mel, N_FRAMES).to(model.device).to(dtype)
_, probs = model.detect_language(segment)
decode_options["language"] = max(probs, key=probs.get)
- print(f"Detected language: {LANGUAGES[decode_options['language']]}")
+ print(f"Detected language: {LANGUAGES[decode_options['language']].title()}")
mel = mel.unsqueeze(0)
language = decode_options["language"]
@@ -160,72 +161,81 @@ def transcribe(
if verbose:
print(f"[{format_timestamp(start)} --> {format_timestamp(end)}] {text}")
- while seek < mel.shape[-1]:
- timestamp_offset = float(seek * HOP_LENGTH / SAMPLE_RATE)
- segment = pad_or_trim(mel[:, :, seek:], N_FRAMES).to(model.device).to(dtype)
- segment_duration = segment.shape[-1] * HOP_LENGTH / SAMPLE_RATE
- decode_options["prompt"] = all_tokens[prompt_reset_since:]
- result = decode_with_fallback(segment)[0]
- tokens = torch.tensor(result.tokens)
- if no_speech_threshold is not None:
- # no voice activity check
- should_skip = result.no_speech_prob > no_speech_threshold
- if logprob_threshold is not None and result.avg_logprob > logprob_threshold:
- # don't skip if the logprob is high enough, despite the no_speech_prob
- should_skip = False
- if should_skip:
- seek += segment.shape[-1] # fast-forward to the next segment boundary
- continue
- timestamp_tokens: torch.Tensor = tokens.ge(tokenizer.timestamp_begin)
- consecutive = torch.where(timestamp_tokens[:-1] & timestamp_tokens[1:])[0].add_(1)
- if len(consecutive) > 0: # if the output contains two consecutive timestamp tokens
- last_slice = 0
- for current_slice in consecutive:
- sliced_tokens = tokens[last_slice:current_slice]
- start_timestamp_position = (
- sliced_tokens[0].item() - tokenizer.timestamp_begin
- )
- end_timestamp_position = (
- sliced_tokens[-1].item() - tokenizer.timestamp_begin
+ # show the progress bar when verbose is False (otherwise the transcribed text will be printed)
+ num_frames = mel.shape[-1]
+ previous_seek_value = seek
+ with tqdm.tqdm(total=num_frames, unit='frames', disable=verbose) as pbar:
+ while seek < num_frames:
+ timestamp_offset = float(seek * HOP_LENGTH / SAMPLE_RATE)
+ segment = pad_or_trim(mel[:, :, seek:], N_FRAMES).to(model.device).to(dtype)
+ segment_duration = segment.shape[-1] * HOP_LENGTH / SAMPLE_RATE
+ decode_options["prompt"] = all_tokens[prompt_reset_since:]
+ result = decode_with_fallback(segment)[0]
+ tokens = torch.tensor(result.tokens)
+ if no_speech_threshold is not None:
+ # no voice activity check
+ should_skip = result.no_speech_prob > no_speech_threshold
+ if logprob_threshold is not None and result.avg_logprob > logprob_threshold:
+ # don't skip if the logprob is high enough, despite the no_speech_prob
+ should_skip = False
+ if should_skip:
+ seek += segment.shape[-1] # fast-forward to the next segment boundary
+ continue
+ timestamp_tokens: torch.Tensor = tokens.ge(tokenizer.timestamp_begin)
+ consecutive = torch.where(timestamp_tokens[:-1] & timestamp_tokens[1:])[0].add_(1)
+ if len(consecutive) > 0: # if the output contains two consecutive timestamp tokens
+ last_slice = 0
+ for current_slice in consecutive:
+ sliced_tokens = tokens[last_slice:current_slice]
+ start_timestamp_position = (
+ sliced_tokens[0].item() - tokenizer.timestamp_begin
+ )
+ end_timestamp_position = (
+ sliced_tokens[-1].item() - tokenizer.timestamp_begin
+ )
+ add_segment(
+ start=timestamp_offset + start_timestamp_position * time_precision,
+ end=timestamp_offset + end_timestamp_position * time_precision,
+ text_tokens=sliced_tokens[1:-1],
+ result=result,
+ )
+ last_slice = current_slice
+ last_timestamp_position = (
+ tokens[last_slice - 1].item() - tokenizer.timestamp_begin
+ seek += last_timestamp_position * input_stride
+ all_tokens.extend(tokens[: last_slice + 1].tolist())
+ else:
+ duration = segment_duration
+ timestamps = tokens[timestamp_tokens.nonzero().flatten()]
+ if len(timestamps) > 0:
+ # no consecutive timestamps but it has a timestamp; use the last one.
+ # single timestamp at the end means no speech after the last timestamp.
+ last_timestamp_position = timestamps[-1].item() - tokenizer.timestamp_begin
+ duration = last_timestamp_position * time_precision
- start=timestamp_offset + start_timestamp_position * time_precision,
- end=timestamp_offset + end_timestamp_position * time_precision,
- text_tokens=sliced_tokens[1:-1],
+ start=timestamp_offset,
+ end=timestamp_offset + duration,
+ text_tokens=tokens,
- last_slice = current_slice
- last_timestamp_position = (
- tokens[last_slice - 1].item() - tokenizer.timestamp_begin
- )
- seek += last_timestamp_position * input_stride
- all_tokens.extend(tokens[: last_slice + 1].tolist())
- else:
- duration = segment_duration
- timestamps = tokens[timestamp_tokens.nonzero().flatten()]
- if len(timestamps) > 0:
- # no consecutive timestamps but it has a timestamp; use the last one.
- # single timestamp at the end means no speech after the last timestamp.
- last_timestamp_position = timestamps[-1].item() - tokenizer.timestamp_begin
- duration = last_timestamp_position * time_precision
- add_segment(
- start=timestamp_offset,
- end=timestamp_offset + duration,
- text_tokens=tokens,
- result=result,
- )
- seek += segment.shape[-1]
- all_tokens.extend(tokens.tolist())
- if not condition_on_previous_text or result.temperature > 0.5:
- # do not feed the prompt tokens if a high temperature was used
- prompt_reset_since = len(all_tokens)
+ seek += segment.shape[-1]
+ all_tokens.extend(tokens.tolist())
+ if not condition_on_previous_text or result.temperature > 0.5:
+ # do not feed the prompt tokens if a high temperature was used
+ prompt_reset_since = len(all_tokens)
+ # update progress bar
+ pbar.update(min(num_frames, seek) - previous_seek_value)
+ previous_seek_value = seek
return dict(text=tokenizer.decode(all_tokens), segments=all_segments, language=language)